Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Novice Blogging - Note #27 (Gadgetize Me!)

I must have mislaid my brain particles somewhere. Here I am going on and on about putting gadgets all over my blogpage and I haven't even started blogging the first things about adding a gadget on Blogger.

So here it is. The step-by-step on adding a gadget on your Blogger page.

1. Login to your Blogger page.
2. Click on the Design tab.
3. On your Design page, there should be an option to Add A Gadget.
4. When you click this option, a popup box will appear with a list of gadgets you can add.

Here you are free to choose what gadgets you desire to put on your blog. There are a lot of gadgets that Blogger already supports like followers, site counter, calendar, twitter updates, etc.

Most of the external plugins (like Facebook and NetworkedBlogs) are added as HTML codes.

Try it!

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